KFC, previously known as Kentucky fried chicken, is a large multinational food chain and joint which has stores and franchises all around the world. The food chain is quite popular across the globe and any person who loves eating chicken and chicken eatables is an ardent KFC fan. It is famous worldwide for providing chicken and chicken based eatables to its fans and customers.
Here’s something that even the ardent fans of KFC do not know.
KFC food is NOT AT ALL healthy and makes your health worse. Continue reading to find out why?
Their Grilled Chicken has loads of sodium:
It has been proved by Researchers that KFC, McDonald’s and other fast food stores have loads of sodium in their food. The excessive intake of sodium can lead to many health problems including obesity, breast cancer and high blood pressure. At over 400 calories, 900mg of sodium, and 25g of fatty acids, a single KFC burger can become the reason of severe health complications
They breed their own chicken in pathetic conditions
KFC is known to breed its own chicken genetic type and forms of chicken. It is said and understood that KFC is in the business of providing their own chicken breed to all of its customers, and they are not at all healthy.
The chickens they breed are always malnourished and are kept in pathetic conditions. It is also believed that the chicken they breed is a hybrid with only meat and no biological part. However, we do not know the exact reality but there’s no smoke without fire so be careful!
Their meat is deeply oil-fried
The fast food chain is known because of its unhealthy attribute of frying.
It has been revealed by studies that many branches of KFC use expired or unhealthy oil for frying. High amounts of sodium bicarbonate and monocalcium phosphates in these food items can lead to some serious disorders including infertility.
Its food stores in the US, Asia and Europe do not guarantee that they are using fresh oil and healthy spices for the production of their food.
Also, remember, legally, KFC is not liable for any lawsuits or punitive damages if you get ill, sick or unhealthy (largely) thanks to the regular consumption of their deeply oily fried meat.
Many kids have suffered because of KFC
Many small kids have suffered due to the freshly fried chicken of KFC. KFC is known to mothers as the Kid fattening centre. KFC dishes are mostly deep fried and contain tons of oil when they are made. This is why, if you consume KFC on a daily basis, you are most likely susceptible to weight gains. Now you can decide for yourself is KFC healthy? Or how bad is KFC for you?