4 years agoon
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The most important thing nowadays for kids is a good vocabulary and their way of talking. It depends upon their parents. The type of language and vocabulary they use with their children matters a lot. However, the majority of children spend an ample amount of time with their mother rather than their father. Children can understand words as a baby. At the age of 3, generally, the child knows about 1000 words. At the age of 10, many kids know more than 20,000 words.
A poor vocabulary can stop a child from learning new things, listening, and reading. It can also affect them in expressing themselves. A kid must maintain and learn new vocabulary which will help them in achieving their goals and speak confidently. For improving your child’s vocabulary, here is what you can do to encourage kids to keep learning new words.
A very simple and effective way of improving your child’s vocabulary is to have frequent conversations with them. It can help your child to build a good vocabulary. Even if your child is only 3 years old, you can still enjoy long and meaningful conversations with them. These conversations will not only teach them new vocabulary but will also help them to use the words in a more appropriate form. Furthermore, it will help them in building confidence in themselves. It will also reduce the complexity of your kid.
Being a parent, one of the most common mistakes made is getting down to their child’s level to match the way their child speaks. It is completely wrong. You should not do so and rather teach them some complex words which you are trying to avoid from them. Parents avoid using difficult words in front of their children just in the fear that they won’t understand them. You can avail the option and use it as an opportunity to teach them some new and complex words which will help them in building a good vocabulary.
The most frequent mistake every parent makes is that they don’t let their child complete their sentence. They finish it by themselves thinking that it will help the child. You should wait and encourage your child to speak and explain whatever he is trying to. If you don’t let them do that, your child will depend on you and will always expect you to finish their sentence or guess what they are trying to explain. That will not help them develop confidence in them which is bad.
Don’t be afraid or shy to teach them new and complex words frequently. Always try to teach your kids new words by giving them examples so that they might be curious to know more about them. Suppose you are driving and you see a ‘windmill’ tell them about that, ‘fields and many other new things. They will learn them faster and also keep them in their mind because they have a vision of that thing.
Some kids love to write and it helps them in developing a strong vocabulary. It can become the hobby of many kids. It induces creativity in them, their mind remains active and fresh and it also builds up the skills and confidence. You can encourage your kids to write short stories, essays, and keep diaries. When kids start to write with their happiness and interest, they start to find new words for themselves and become creative.
Another opportunity parents can avail to teach their children new words is through reading. You can read with the different books, storybooks, and poems. Reading is a great activity for kids to learn new words with spelling. You can help them in pronouncing words properly. Try to make reading to kids a daily habit if you can so they will learn faster.
Word games are also a very good and interesting way to teach your kids new words. Kids love to play games then why not the word game for developing a good vocabulary for older kids. These games could include scrabble, crosswords, puzzles, and word searches. You can challenge each other to think of new names of animals, instruments, foods, and places beginning with certain letters. These can help them find and learn new words.
Play different and interesting games with them which helps you to communicate with them. When you will interact, the kid will learn new sounds and words which they can also use with other kids.
Make it your priority and daily routine to introduce your child to a new word every day with its meanings. It can help your child to learn 365 new words in a year. Once they have learned it, they would be able to use them on their own in writing and speaking. You can use a dictionary, Google, or any app which can help you find a new word daily with its proper meanings.
Create a word wall in the house for your kid where he can write and from where he can learn the words. Write a new word for them on the wall and make them write and repeat. It is also a very good way to help them learn and memorize new vocabulary. You can also use a notebook or a striper for writing the words if you don’t want to make a wall.
Nowadays, parents need to teach their kids advanced vocabulary and help them think in a better way. It will help them in their life for competing with this world. Parents should also maintain a level of good language and vocabulary because parents are always the first teachers of their kids. We hope that this article was very helpful for you and you enjoyed it. If there are any other questions, please let us know in the comments below.
Sikander is a versatile writer with a knack for engaging readers on a wide range of topics. Whether he's exploring the latest tech trends, delving into the intricacies of politics and policy, or offering insights on lifestyle and wellness, Sikander's writing is always insightful, informative, and thought-provoking. In his free time, Sikander enjoys traveling, reading, and exploring new hobbies.